Caring for Workers, Patients and the Healthcare Community

Barriatric Evacuation Sheet

Barriatric Evacuation Sheet


In case of an emergency evacuation, it should be your number one priority to get bedridden patients out of the building. Especially when patients have a bariatric size, they cannot do this alone. Care workers and staff will need to help. Without an evacuation device, this is almost impossible.

The Bariatric S-CAPEPOD is permanently placed underneath the mattress. The patient neither sees it, nor feels it. Due to its intuitive design, the patient will be ready for evacuation in about 60 seconds.

Since you are dealing with a larger individual, the patient needs to be firmly fixated onto the mattress. This prevents the patient from moving or slipping down during an vertical evacuation via staircases.

For that reason, extra abdominal belts were added to firmly fixate the patient onto the mattress. It’s crucial to fixate as tightly as possible. Therefore it is recommended to perform this step with two people. This also provides extra comfort for the patient.


Features & Benefits

The evacuation sheet is designed to evacuate larger-sized individuals that are also suffering from some sort of mobility-impairment.

  • You cannot simply lift someone out of bed – that’s too heavy.
  • Permanently under the mattress. Always accessible
  • Invisible protector the evacuation sheet sits permanently between the bedframe and mattress. The patient doesn’t see it nor feels it.
  • Suitable for a staircase evacuation

For all repositioning and manual handling solutions it is recommended to seek advice / approval from a manual handling expert.


DESCRIPTION Barriatric S-capepod Evacuation Sheet
WEIGHT Up to 300 kg
STRENGTH Tested up to 5000 kg / 770 st.
Easy to clean in washing machine
Anti-bacterial for extra protection
Permeable for extra hygiene
Fire retardant technology

Bacteria free

The cloth protects people against the danger of bacteria.

Fire retardant

Produced with fire retardant yarns to ensure fire retardancy.

Fits these mattresses

Width: 100 – 125 centimeter | Maximum length: 216 centimeter
Width: 39″ – 49″ | Maximum length: 85″

Tensile strength

The pulling straps were safely tested up to 5000 kg / 770 st.

Weight capacity

300 kg / 660 lbs


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